All outdoor activities are weather dependent and subject to change or cancellation.
Venues for explorations will be confirmed at short notice to get the best of the local conditions on the day. Please ensure we are able to contact you by text or phone or contact us the day before your chosen exploration.
Personal protective equipment supplied must be worn when requested by the instructor.
All activities are fully risk assessed and insured, a copy of both are available on request.
A group safety kit including a first aid kit, mobile phone and/or vhf radio is available at all times.
Terms & Conditions:
1. A booking will not be considered final until full payment is received.
2. Outdoor Guernsey reserves the right to cancel any session where conditions prevent safe participation or where insufficient bookings make the activity un-viable.
3. Outdoor Guernsey and its instructors take all necessary precautions to ensure the safety of their participants; by giving your consent to take part you acknowledge that by their very nature adventure activities may carry some minor risk of injury. Any hazards will be fully explained and participants must follow all instruction.
4. All participants must inform Outdoor Guernsey of any medical issues or special needs that may impact on the safety of themselves or their group.
5. Participants under the influence of drugs or alcohol should not take part in water activities or climbing/abseiling. Outdoor Guernsey reserves the right to exclude any participant for safety reasons at any time.
6. Cancellation. All cancellations will receive a credit for any available future date and any necessary refunds will be processed as soon as we are able to. No refund will be given for cancellations up to 2 weeks before the activity or no shows on the day of the activity and full payment will be expected for pre booked groups. If Outdoor Guernsey needs to cancel a session for any reason, or the session is unable to go ahead due to bad weather (this decision is made by Outdoor Guernsey), booked participants will be entitled to a full refund or alternative date.
7. Photographs will be taken during activities sessions for promotional material and on our website. If you do not wish for photos to be used for this purpose please let the activity leader know as soon as possible.